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University of Missouri report warns falling prices could squeeze farmers

The annual markets outlook from the Food & Agricultural Policy Research Institute anticipates declining farm income, higher costs for producers. The annual markets outlook from the Food & Agricultural Policy Research Institute has warned that falling prices could squeeze farmers. The institute predicts declining farm income and higher costs for producers, with some hoping to improve the safety net but financial costs could outweigh the cost of addressing these issues. The report suggests that reducing farm spending or increasing conservation programs could compromise on conservation spending.

University of Missouri report warns falling prices could squeeze farmers

发表 : 2个月前 经过 Rudi Keller (Missouri Independent)Tech Environment Science

The annual markets outlook from the Food & Agricultural Policy Research Institute anticipates declining farm income, higher costs for producers.

Some “would like to do some changes that would improve the safety net from the perspective of producers but those changes all cost money,” he said. “And unless you’re going to reduce that spending or reduce spending on conservation programs, there’s not any obvious way to put those pieces together.”

话题: Academia

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